Professionalism: We are sure that every business gift must carry besides communication also a social value. Every business gift must have clear and simple answer on where, how and by whom it was made. Otherwise, there is no any sense in a gift.
Utility: All parts of our pens are made of high quality materials. Whether price of our pen is high or low, quality is not compromised. Pens produced with highest quality standards of far more expensive similar production.
Responsibility: We produce our pens from recyclable, environmentally-friendly and nontoxic materials using eco-friendly technologies.
Safety: Our pens are produced from metal. Metals commonly do not harm environment and have longer age comparing to other material used for manufacturing similar goods. All our pens are long life long-term goods with replaceable writing units.
Care: We are not polluting environment. We use a lot of manual labour and craft work in our manufacturing processes. Reasonable part of production located close to our marketing area and doesn't require any transportation.